
Every Thursday afternoon we suspend our usual timetable during lesson 5 so that pupils can benefit from visits from local professionals; who volunteer to visit Oakfield to talk to pupils about their careers or interests. This may involve lessons on leadership and resilience from our local Army Cadet Force, developing our own approach to fitness and the impact of healthy eating through Super Schools or learning about life saving first aid from St John Ambulance. It is an opportunity for our pupils to demonstrate a variety of skills on strengthen their understanding of the core concepts that underpin our overall Infinity Curriculum.

The skills that pupil acquire during these sessions go beyond the academic curriculum on offer at Oakfield, allowing pupils to utilise them in relevant contexts which will go a long way in building their confidence and positive learning behaviours.

Enrichment follows a rota through the year groups and provides pupils with a choice of a wide range of activities including arts, sports and much more.

Sessions are subject to change as opportunities arise during the year such as speakers, community competitions and current topics and for year 8 GCSE taster sessions from Frome College