Email us:
Telephone receptionist: Miss Natalie Golder on 01373 462539
Opening times: 8.15 am to 4.15 pm. (40 hours per week) The compulsory opening times are 8.30 am to 3.00 pm (32.5 hours per week)
Child absence notification – direct email:
Head Teacher: Miss Emma Wilkes
Chair of Trustees: Melody Hunter (Our Chair of Governors) and the Clerk to the Governors can be contacted through the Academy on 01373 462539)
Intervention, Inclusion & SEND Alison Ingram (Assistant Head Teacher Inclusion), Kate Bryan (Assistant Head Teacher Intervention) & Nathan Webb (Assistant SENDCo)  can be contacted on 01373 462539


If your child is unwell or has been poorly and you are not sure if you should be sending them to school, there is some very useful advice on the NHS website for parents

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website please contact the Academy office on the telephone number above.

Disability confident Certificate






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