Oakfield Academy serves the community by providing a variety of school venue hire options. Please contact us if you are interested in finding out more or would like to book our facilities for your group or project.   We also work collaboratively with professional bodies and businesses as we aim to give all our pupils the opportunity to work alongside members of their community as they learn new skills. Our local partnership work is another effective way to teach our pupils the importance of being responsible members of the community.

Mental Health

Improving Children's Mental Heath

Parents & Carers training course : https://www.place2be.org.uk/family to register.


A parents guide of what to do if your child is being bullied.

My Child is being bullied- What to do


Need Help Sleeping



My Family Coach

My Family Coach, a free resource which empowers your parents and carers with information they need to understand their children’s behaviour. Its full of helpful support for the families in your school and is powered by Team Teach who have made this resource freely available to parents. The internet is full of parenting advice however, it is difficult to find reliable information that you can trust and share with parents and carers.

You can visit the site and sign up here https://www.myfamilycoach.com/schools/.

Rites for girls- supporting girls safely through their teens

 Supporting School Transitions


Parents Wellbeing


Frome Learning Partnership

Frome Learning Partnership’s Parent and Family Support Advisors (PFSAs) and Family Support Practitioners (FSPs) work across schools in Frome to offer support and guidance for you and your family on various issues such as;

  • parenting challenges
  • emotional wellbeing
  • family issues
  • school attendance
  • behavioural issues

PFSAs and FSPs can also direct you to other services or professionals which may be useful.  The team work closely with children, young people, their family, and schools. 

Everyone will need to agree what the purpose of the work will be. It is essential that parents and young people consent to working with us.

To access our service, school’s need to complete a referral form which will give us the family contact details and, highlights the needs so we can look at what support is best. If you are interested in having support from our team, please speak to your child’s school. 


Local Community Links

Our Oakfield Faculties have forged many enduring links with the local community.  Many of our teachers work alongside particular community groups and these can be found in the curriculum area of our website. The image below shows Oakfield pupils taking part in an Aardman Animation Workshop at the Black Swan Gallery.