Performing Arts










Please click on the icons above to view details of the curriculum.

We are very proud of a strong Performing Arts tradition at Oakfield Academy which was recognised when we received our Gold Artsmark award. Our department represents a unique area of experience in the curriculum which enables pupils to :-

  • Express their thoughts and feelings through a wide variety of methods.
  • Develop creativity through individual and collaborative effort.
  • Learn in alternative contexts i.e. visual, tactile and sensory.
  • Develop skills in performing, creating, appraising and listening to help make value judgements and aesthetic decisions.
  • Develop the use of ICT within the arts.
  • Develop interpersonal skills and enable them to become actively involved in shaping their environment.
  • Build confidence and self-esteem.
  • Develop a greater understanding of the world around them as well as a lifelong love, appreciation and understanding of all the arts.

We offer professional tuition in a wide range of instruments where pupils can learn in groups as well as on an individual basis. Pupils can also come and join popular Glee Club, Drama Club, Karaoke Club and Oakfield Academy Choir. The Academy regularly puts on musical concerts/performances such as Blues Night, Summer Spectacular, Oakfield’s Got Talent, Samba workshops, Frome Carnival, Shakespeare plays as well as our annual summer productions.

Pupils showing musical/theatrical talent are encouraged to develop and excel through our range of extra-curricular clubs, G & T workshops, productions/concerts, performances in assemblies as well as being given opportunities through a differentiated curriculum to extend ideas and stretch their abilities further.

Performing Arts Documents



From murder to musical magic, Oakfield’s Performing Arts Department does it again! On Wednesday night, 50 Oakfield Academy pupils pulled off a breathtaking performance, showcasing a huge range of theatrical talent. To start, the packed hall was captivated by a powerful rendition of Shakespeare’s iconic play, Macbeth. It was the first time the Academy has attempted a tragedy and pupils from all year groups rose to the challenge – delivering the original language with confidence and understanding. Within the final scenes of the play, there was an action-packed battle scene, demonstrating fabulous knowledge of stage fighting techniques, culminating in the realistic death of the tyrant king. After the interval, the tragic mood was lightened by an incredible musical performance – based on 2 classic fairy tales – with a twist provided by Miss Haig and Miss Morris’s humorous script. Characters were brilliantly portrayed by a new cast, who perfected choreography and performed a variety of songs from One Direction to Taylor Swift. Thanks also to the huge army of people who helped make the show such a success – the Art Department for the wonderful staging, the office staff for tickets and programmes, Mr Oates for sound, our site team for all their work before and after the performance and parents for all their help with costumes and line-learning. Many congratulations to all performers and the amazing tech crew. The teamwork and talent on show was outstanding – we are so proud of each and every one of you!