Learning isn’t just about passing exams, we would like you all to love the subjects and activities you are part of and want to learn more about them. Although we all teach our subjects, we all have different interests outside of them that actually help us support you in your learning. The Awards are for those pupils who have clearly exhibited this mindset and produced learning that is not only beautiful, but helpful and engaging to others.

There is no set calendared event for this award, nor is there a cap on how many can achieve it. This scholarship approach to learning is to be celebrated by us all as well as supported and developed throughout their time here at Oakfield. Here are our award winners as well as a selection of the beautiful learning they have produced


The Citizen Award

Congratulations to Patrick Puleston now in 7A, who received our Scholarship Award at the end of last term.  Patrick created a wonderful model of Villa Savoye in Paris after being inspired by his father who is an architect.  Well done Patrick!


Scholarship Award

Congratulations to  Bea Bayliss  now in 8A who was presented with our Citizenship Award at the end of last term.  Bea’s heroic efforts to rid the streets of Frome of litter have also resulted in her receiving a Mayor’s Commendation.  Well done Bea!

Bea is pictured with Deputy Headteacher
Mr Bowker, and friends  Errol and Sonny who helped her with the last few bags.