Oakfield Academy is very proud of its strong musical tradition. The music curriculum aims to provide all of our pupils with a rich experience of music in all of its forms as well as enable our pupils to develop an enduring love of music.
Our Specialist Music Teacher: Ms Claire Parsons (Head of Performing Arts.)
KS2 Music Teachers: Kathy Pinches & Liam Oates,
There are many opportunities for pupils to experience the thrill of performing in a variety of different contexts as well as learn how to work in the technical side of a performance. We understand that all our pupils are different and therefore it’s important that they are given every chance to find their ‘thing’ be it performing in front of an audience, learning how to operate sound equipment, singing in a choir, leading a music club, song writing or playing as part of a band.
There are also many other opportunities provided throughout the year where are pupils can work with professional musicians (SONS OF PITCHES & BRAZILIAN SAMBA), take part in collaborative projects (THE BIG SING) or enjoy professional performances (LONDIN THEATRE TRIPS).
Pupils also have the opportunity earn a wide variety of musical instruments and take part in numerous live performances, both in and out of school. These sessions are run by individual teachers not connected to the Academy.
Do you want to learn how to play a musical instrument?
At Oakfield Academy we have amazing visiting music ‘peripatetic’ teachers who currently offer lessons to students of all ages in woodwind, strings and percussion but we are looking to expand our repertoire in the New Year to include SINGING lessons too (more details below). We currently have spaces available in the following instruments:- guitar drums violin clarinet flute saxophone ukulele piano (singing after Christmas)
This is what some of our pupils say about their peri music lessons:-
“I learn the piano on Fridays and it’s really fun. I get taught by Jason Hatton and he’s a good piano teacher.....put your heart into it and you’ll be AMAZING” Florencio Globio Yr 7
“Don’t be scared, it may take some time to learn the violin but you will get there” Charlotte Loaring-Barr Yr 7
“I have recently switched from violin to drum lessons. My lessons are very fun and enjoyable and I can’t wait for Tuesday mornings. My teacher is amazing and helps me focus in the lesson. I would encourage other people to join lessons, whether it’s drums or any other instrument. Learning to play an instrument teaches you very important life lessons…….I would highly recommend it” Kizzi Tomkins Yr7
“School peri music lessons are great because they fit in with your day very well. The teachers are good and let you go at your own pace and just help you as you go along. I have done many different types of lessons but drums is my favourite……I have joined a band with some of my friends which is really fun and I wouldn’t be able to do it without my drum lessons..” Sol Hyde Yr7
“I started guitar lessons last year because I was bored at home……that’s why you should pick up an instrument, when you’re bored it can help. If you haven’t tried having guitar lessons before I recommend that you give it a go at Oakfield. It’s the best experience EVER!”
Felix MacDonald
For more information about peri music lessons please contact Oakfield Academy.
Music Documents
Reggae Project 2024
Huge congratulations to all our Year 8 pupils who handed in a reggae project.
Every year they get more and more ambitious and creative, so it was such a tough job choosing the winners. After much consideration the following winners were chosen:-
Runners up - Madelaine Harris, Lily Shirvell, Rebecca Lintern,
Mae Bairstow and Daisy Grant from 8A
Overall winners - Daisy Baber, Florence Parker and
Tabitha Dysch from 8C
Runners up - Olivia Deighton from 8C and Jacob Doel from 8A
Winners - Anna Collishaw from 8C and Nancy Walter from 8S
Prizes and certificates to follow for the winners but also for those pupils who
showed extra effort, ambition and pride in their work. Well done to everyone!
Jackdaws summer picnic 2022
Jackdaws Year of the Klemzer
Year of the flute
Year of the Flute
Blues Night
Blues Night 2022
Music Memories
Peri Music
Peri Music
Year 6 Volcano Pieces ABCBA
Some examples of Year 6 composition pieces linked to their work on volcanoes. Examples here are from good and greater depth pieces
Year 7 Whole Class Singing
Year 8 Composition Examples
Year 8 Reggae
A mixture of some examples of Group pieces and whole class singing linked to the Genre of Reggae
Year 8 Performances